Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A holiday I forgot

Tue afternoon I got a nice surprise. I found out that Wed is a holiday :-) After moving to the US for so many years I forgot that you get 清明節 off in Taiwan. So to take an advantage of the extra next day off we decided to get out of the city for dinner.

The original plan was to go to 九份 but we ended up having 'dinner' at 基隆夜市 since it was already 8:30 and we were both hungry. We had 天婦羅, 蝦仁肉圓, 炒冬粉, 潤餅, and 泡泡冰. When we were done, it was already 9:30.

Didn't want to just go home this early we decided to venture to 九份 to find this coffee shop called '關於咖啡 About Cafe' that I have heard of on the Internet. After an hour of driving around and asking a few people we finally found it.

It is a cool place to hang out, exactly what I expected. Owner's name is 阿寬. The deco is just like what they say on the web site: "小頹廢的南美混搭風". 小頹廢 it is :-) a bit more run-down than I thought.

I ordered a Latte, which is very yummy. I like the vibe there. We had a good time just relaxing and chatting. They are supposed to close at 11 but we didn't leave until almost midnight.

On the way home, we stopped by 九份 for a walk. The view was really awesome. Looking down from the moutain. You see the light from the fishing boat, from the moon, the moutains and little houses in 九份小鎮.

炒冬粉 + Cafe Latte + 九份夜景. We were both happy and tired... so it's time to go home :-)
