Sunday, March 19, 2006

石碇皇帝殿 - was there but wasn't there

Went to 石碇 on Sunday. I used to go there quite often for fishing... tho that was more than 10 years ago :-)

We got there around 1 pm and took a nice walk there... still a nice little town. 王家豆腐的豆花 is a must-eat! Wanted to try 桂花香腸 too but didn't get a chance....

Have read good things and seen some pictures of 皇帝殿稜線 so I was expecting something exciting... however, we took the wrong route. Instead of going up from 小粗坑登山口, we went up from the 湳窟路路線. It was still a nice hike but we didn't see much 稜線. The way up is quite boring... all concret stairs and not much to see. Got a good workout tho. When we finally got to the top where we were expecting to see some great view... disappointingly there wasn't much to see...

Later I found these two articles on the Internet... obviously we were not the only one who went up the wrong way... so now I can look at the other people's pictures and imagine what the famous 皇帝殿稜線 could has been like...

At least we had yummy 豆花. The trip is well worth it :-)

Picture and two articles are from 'Tony的自然人文旅記', one of my favorite web site for hiking information:

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Growing up in Taipei I never image I would live outside of the city, not to mention 三重 :-p

When I thought of 三重 I always think of 黑道, 雍擠 and 髒亂. However, after living there for six months I have changed my perception of 三重 somehow and this is one of the reasons:

二重疏洪道花海 by Lin Chia-Yi

This is 5 min drive from where we live. We kind of discovered this place when we took a walk one evening after dinner... what a nice surprise :-)

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sunday afternoon we went to climb the 硬漢坡 in 觀音山. First time there. I was pretty impressed with the view on the moutain top. You can see the whole Taipei city, 淡水, and 八里. 遙遙相望大屯山.

I think 觀音山 is just as pretty as 陽明山 and it has almost everything that 陽明山 has to offer. The only problem is that it got too many 墳墓 and those annoying 路邊KTV. However, still a good place to visit and get your legs a good work-out.

Remember, 走路要找難路走,挑擔要揀重擔挑,為學硬漢而來,為作硬漢而去.

Some good links for weekend hiking in the greater Taipei area:

P.S. Picture is from Tony的自然人文旅記